Thursday, May 23, 2013

Chapter 1-Junior High v. Middle School

Chapter 1:  Until reading this chapter, I did not know that there are so many differences between middle schools and junior high schools.  I thought a junior high included only grades 7 and 8 and a middle school consisted of grades 7-8 or 6-8.
The slide in Dr. C’s Power Point, titled “Middle School v. Junior High” states the differences, according to the National Middle School Association.  In summary, it states that a junior high is a very structured environment that prepares students academically for high school.  A middle school allows students the freedom to learn in a comfortable, creative setting.

I have worked at a junior high school for 17 years that includes grades 6-8.  I believe that my school exhibits qualities of both a middle school and a junior high school. We follow an eight period day and subjects are offered for one semester or one year.  Some of our teachers teach strictly from a textbook but others teach by inquiry and exploration.

I was most surprised and puzzled by Statement #2: “MS fosters collaboration and empowerment of teachers and students—JH fosters competition and empowerment of administrators.” I assume it means that middle schools encourage the use of cross-curricular projects.  I am not sure what the second part of the statement refers to.  Do junior high teachers typically compete with other administrators within their districts?  Can anyone explain this statement to me?

1 comment:

  1. I also found it interesting that there were so many differences between middle school and junior high. I thought the names were basically interchangeable except for the fact that middle schools sometimes have fifth or sixth grade as well. I think that the middle school that I went to exhibited qualities that the book described of both middle schools and junior high schools. I believe that most middle schools and junior high schools are a mix of the descriptions of middle and junior high school in the book.
