Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Chapter 3 - Mnemonic Devices

     I am interested in the different types of mnemonic devices, mentioned at the end of Dr. C's powerpoint. I had never heard of image-name or loci, so I did a little research.  To create an image-name, a student should visualize a picture and connect it to a concept.  This would work well for visual learners.  For example, to remember the word numismatist, the student should visualize a mist over a beach made of coins (Congos, 2005).
     The loci method of mnemonic was used by ancient orators who had to remember long speeches.  A student using this method would visualize a familiar place, such as his house, and place items in different areas of the house.  For example, if a student needed to memorize cell organelles, he would picture them in different areas in his house.  Then, he would take a mental walk through the house and pick up the organelles as he remembered their names (Mnemonic, 2006).

Congos, D. (2005).  "9 Types of Mnemonics for Better Memory." Retrieved at

"Mnemonic Devices". (2006). Retrieved at

1 comment:

  1. Hello Janet!

    I am so glad that you took the time to look up something that you did not know in regards to Dr. Cantu's lectures. These strategies are very useful to help students with memorization and visualizing the materials. Thank you for sharing!
